Montag, 25. November 2019

Swiss National Team 1999-2020

Here comes my annual update of the Swiss Team 2020.

Swiss National Team 1999-2020

  • At the womens side stability on the top but drop outs from B- and C-level. (Lisa Holer, Anina Brunner, Sandrine Müller, Marcia Mürner, Saskia Bruchmüller and Lisa Schubnell). Sina Tommer from B to C and new Elena Pezzati into B-Team.
  • At the mens side. With the retirement of Andreas Kyburz after 11 senior seasons, the two Hubmann brothers Martin and Daniel are now the most experienced/oldest in the men team. Hadorn up into the A team, Curriger and Dubach from B to C. Werren, Andrin Gründler, Bieri and Ullman drop out of C. 
  • Chamuel Zbinden, Tino Polsini, Reto Egger advancing to the B team.
  • New juniors Lilly Graber, Sanna Hotz, Corina Hüni and Vera Moser. Florian Freuler, Simon Hamel, Janis Hutzli and Dominic Schacher.
  • Trivia: First time we can spot a second generation athlete with Sanna Hotz, daugther of Daniel Hotz, member of the Swiss Team in 2003. With Sanna Hotz we have the second double generation appearance in this list (Sara Gemperle -> Eline Gemperle, Daniel Hotz -> Sanna Hotz).  Athletes with parents being former members of the Swiss Team are not uncommon. Athletes with both parents being former members of the Swiss Team too.
  • Daniel Hubmann enters his 16th season as a member of the A-team. fig.1 you can see who the team looked like back in 2005. Beside Daniel Hubmann, two more guys still would be on the team photo today.
fig.1.The team in 2005.  Some are missing though, at least Vroni.

4 Kommentare:

Sara Gemperle hat gesagt…

Eline Gemperle (Tochter von Sara Gemperle, bis 2007 im Elitekader) ist auch schon seit einem Jahr als "second generation athlet" im Juniorenkader:-)

M.Lerjen hat gesagt…

Of course. My fault.

Anonym hat gesagt…

August Grüniger war auch im Kader. Also waren Andrea und Brigitte Grüniger auch schon 2. Generation.

M.Lerjen hat gesagt…

@Roger: "on this list"

Ausserhalb dieser Einschränkung gibt es viele ... Hirters, Hulliger, Howalds, Aebis, Aebersolds, Zwickys?, Caluoris? usw.

War Leonhard Suter nie im Kader? Das wäre dann schon 3rd..

o-zeugs over and out (late wc china finding)

Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...