I was an orienteering nerd. Was.
- Born 1973
- Orienteering individual since 1979
- First time competing against Kocbach 1986
- Regional Squad
- Jugendländerkampf 1989
- Swiss Youth Champion Night Orienteering 1991
- Winner of the Italian Junior Champs 1992
- Some Elite Years
- Leading a club for 3 seasons
- Winner of the 'Oberbaselbieter Nacht Team OL 2007'
- Mapping 15 Maps (some partly)
- Coaching Elite Runner Martina Fritschy for her last 2 seasons
- Techincal Support for the National Team now and then
- Developper of Packfigures. Paper: Analyze your Mapreading
- Reference Group of the NOF Paper: Separating in Orienteering - Overview and review of methods...
- Advisor for Scurion at the Development of the best Night-O-Lamp existing (back then)
- Betatester of the Automated Map Reading Detection Method by Michael Eglin
- My digital map archive
- Member of centrum oks träningskomittén
- Master in Geography
- Worked as Software Developper GIS
- Own Company providing Mapping
- Married
- Mainly educating two talented children
- Lives in Zurich, Switzerland
- World Champion M40 in ARDF::foxoring 2016