Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013

Andreas Kyburz modifies the rules

Swiss Selections 2014

The selections for the Swiss National Team are out now (seniors - juniors). There we can see the following changes for the season 2014:

freshly selected: Paula Gross, Laura Diener, Hanna Müller, Kerstin Ullmann, Jan Brunner, Thomas Curiger, Tobia Pezzati, Janis Schönleber, Noah Zbinden, Patrick Zbinden (all J) and Lilly Gross (B)

upgraded: Sabine Hauswirth (B->A), Marion Aebi (J->B), Martin Hubmann (B->A), Andreas Kyburz (B->A), Florian Schneider (J->U23), Christoph Meier (J->B)

retired: Simone Niggli, Matthias Leonhardt, Matthias Merz (all A) , Seline Stalder, and Severin Howald (both B).

deselected: Térence Risse, Isamel Röthlisberger, Simon Wenger, Sebastian Gygax (all J), Franziska Dörig and Sophie Tritschler (both B)

fig.1. Up up up: Andreas Kyburz in the run in of his first WOC final (Sprint 2013 // picture: // Andreas Kyburz Athlete Profile)

Selection dynamics since 1999

 fig.2 The end of a loooooong career.

I updated the chart with the selection dynamics since 1999.

Modifying the rules
Last year o-zeugs defined a set of unwritten rules describing the selection dynamics for the 2013 mens team and some prognoses where made. Martin Hubmann and Florian Schneider got their upgrades and Andreas Kyburz broke rule 2 (while rule 3 was wrong from the beginning). Here are the modified rules in recent mens selection history:
  1. No runner, not directly upgraded from the junior team to the senior team made it into the senior team later on. (unchanged)
  2. No athlete which did not made it into the U-23 (=under the frist three years as a senior) was later upgraded into the A-team (modified)
  3. (omitted)
  4. The lastest chance to make it into the A-team is after the fifth season. (unchanged)
  5. To directly make it into the U-23, you have to win a JWOC medal. (unchanged)

We are family

  • Bettina and Marion Aebi
  • Paula, Lilly and Julia Gross
  • Matthias and Andreas Kyburz
  • Daniel and Martin Hubmann
  • Mjriam and Sven Hellmüller
We have family (athletes having family members which formerly where selected)
  • Ines Brodmann,
  • Rahel Friederich
  • Laura Diener
  • Florian Howald
  • Yves Aschwanden
  • Joël Borner
  • Thomas Curiger
not sure about: Judith Wyder, Sarina Jenzer

3 Kommentare:

Jönu hat gesagt…

Wie ich in deiner Zusammenstellung gesehen habe, hat vor Andreas Kyburz bereits David Schneider (2x 4. Rang WOC) (auf Frauen-Seite Lea Müller (Staffel-Weltmeisterin) und Judith Wyder (Staffel-Weltmeisterin)) deine ungeschriebene Regel Nr. 2 gebrochen. Nichts gegen deine Regeln, ich wage jedoch zu behaupten, dass höchstens Regel Nr. 5 eine Chance hat, auf Dauer gültig zu bleiben.

M.Lerjen hat gesagt…

Hi Jönu, these rules are deducted from the selections for the 2014 mens team. They are not serious, but make sense. As a swiss male orienteer to make it all the way, you have to master the steps: Junior Team, JWOC, JWOC Medal, U-23, WOC-Selection & A Team.
At the womens side it is of course different, assumingly due the different competition characteristics.

M.Lerjen hat gesagt…

yes. Baptiste (20th) and Andreas (28th) do not have good JWOC results...

o-zeugs over and out (late wc china finding)

Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...