Mittwoch, 4. September 2013

continuing when it’s over

After that I was starting too fast, didn’t read the map that exactly and was running with too hard risks and then missed the first control for two minutes. When I punched the control, I saw Emil Svensk. He came and I knew “it’s over” but then I remembered some words from Daniel Hubmann, he told me once that I should run every race like it’s the last one. So I tried to push hard together with Emil and I think we had good speed. For me it was important to see that I am able to run like the world champion. Yeah, the rest of the race was really good, but when you make a mistake for two minutes, then it’s over. But now I can see I didn’t give up then, and that’s important for the next races.
Florian Schneider about the JWOC 2013 Middle Distance

According to the split-times Schneider punched 8 controls ahead of Svensk. Personally I would have prefered Schneider would have shown little bit more “Lundanes at WOC12-Middle Final after being catched up by Novikov”-attitude.
o-zeugs commenting the JWOC 2013 Middle Final analysis at

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o-zeugs over and out (late wc china finding)

Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...