Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2022

World Cup Final 2022 - Long distance

In the abscence of the Russian Team in both mens and womens class, the same five nations occupied the top 20.

Ranking of the best male runner per nation

1. Switzerland

2. Sweden

3. Norway

4. Finland

10. Czech Republic

21. France; 27. Austria; 28. Italy; 29. Ukraine; 30. Germany; 34. Latvia; 36. Great Britain; 40. Belgium; 43. Denmark; 45. New Zealand; 46. Estonia; 50. Australia; 62. Poland; 68. Hungary; 74. Spain; 80. Lithuania; 83. Slovakia; 87. Israel; 89. Portugal; 100. Bulgaria; 104. USA; 112. Ireland; n.class. Canada, South Africa, Hong Kong, Japan

Ranking of the best female runner per nation

1. Switzerland

2. Norway

5. Sweden

7. Czech Republic

11. Finnland

21. Great Britain; 24. France; 27. Poland; 32. Austria; 37. Denmark; 39. Estonia; 47. Netherlands; 48. Latvia; 50. Slovakia; 52. Hungary; 55. Germany; 62. Lithuania; 63. Moldova; 64. Ukraine; 70. Spain; 74. Italy; 78. Belgium; 79. Japan; n.class. Hong Kong







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o-zeugs over and out (late wc china finding)

Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...