Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2018

TV is more important then a fair long distance

... På långdistansen vill löparna ha tre minuters startmellanrum, det gillar inte tv alls.

Så hur löser man det dilemmat?
Bra fråga. Om du inte kan tv-producera ett mästerskapsarrangemang så är ju frågan om det är värt att lägga tid och pengar på det. Så krasst är det. Att göra orienterignen till en tv-vänligt sport är var viktigaste uppgift för att få mer pengar i sporten. ...

Aron Less, chair of the IOF foot o commission, skogsport 9/2018

5 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

It's as always... money rules!

Anonym hat gesagt…

So did all this tv friendliness at least since 1997 actually bring money?

Anonym hat gesagt…

I don't think it's about money -- at least not immediately. It's about the Olympics.

The vision of the International Orienteering Federation (IOF) is that orienteering is included in the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

This is the first sentence of the Preface of the IOF Strategic Directions. In other words, everything the IOF does will be geared toward that goal. And if getting into the Olympics is your foremost goal, then spectator- and especially TV-friendliness is more important than fairness.

Personally, I would prefer priorities to be different: growth and improvement of the sport first, and the Olympics second. But, hey, I'm just a mediocre orienteer who does a handful of local meets a year. No-one's going to listen to me...

svenski hat gesagt…

It's in the nature of the sport that you catch up to other runners. It's part of the sport. TV-friendliness is an important goal, since it can attract new groups of runners to the sport, and brings more sponsor money. The vision of an olympic sport is an important long-term goal and sets the path for the development. The tiny gain in "fairness" that some are crying after can easily be sacrificed. Right decision taken!

seriously? hat gesagt…

@svenski: Just prove "can attract new groups of runners to the sport" and "brings more sponsor money" ...

o-zeugs over and out (late wc china finding)

Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...