Freitag, 13. September 2013

Mästarmöte 1975

The Swedish public service broadcaster SVT lately published parts of its archive online, also the live broadcast of the Mästarmöte 1975, an international competition near the Swedish town of Bollnäs 300km north of Stockholm.

The broadcast has many interesting aspects, such as this was one of the first attempts to send orienteering on TV.  The event organization can be described as simple and probably can be seen as the model for classic-o-challenge event. *
It is also a document in which we can actually see, how orienteering and in particular international top orienteering was these days. And we can see our icons in action and hear the reigning World Champion** Bernt Frilén talk about his race.

 Among the 18 men where the two Swiss Bernhard Marti and Dieter Hulliger. Marti can be seen in the broadcast at the start (37.30) during the race (1.21.45 and 1.39.00). Hulliger only after the finish (1.17.20) struggling to get rid of the punching card taped on his arm. The Swiss Annelies Dütsch competing in the womens race was not shown..

* Actually it is the generation of competitors of the 70-ties which stand behind the COC.
** There  was only one individual World Champion these days.

2 Kommentare:

Eva Jurenikova hat gesagt…

Unfortunately the video is geographically restricted (Sweden only). I will check it out when I am in Sweden.

M.Lerjen hat gesagt…


o-zeugs over and out (late wc china finding)

Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...