fig.1. Basemap for the Fjärdlång Project.
Tomorrow I leave for my next project, a map of Fjärdlång, a island of Stockholm Skärgården. The island has never been mapped before (for orienteering). Figure 1 shows the basemap I will use. It is based on the swedish kind of laser data (including also information on vegetation height). It consists in 0.5m contours, rock cliffs as the "intensity"-view, post-processed with Photoshop basically showing areas with trees in white and without trees in yellow. The data processing I made with OLaser. Above that a regular mesh as the magnetic north lines which in Sweden are not parallel to the maps edge (in contrary to Norway or Switzerland).
Besides I calculated a base map with karttapullautin, which in contrary to OLaser does some interpreting/generalization of the laser-data. I plan to interpret myself frist, then I will look at the automatically achieved result...
Freitag, 24. Mai 2013
Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013
Mappers Blog: Setup O.Merz und B.Deppeler
fig.1. Beni Deppeler and Osi Merz, two non-professional Swiss Mappers during a photo shooting for "Schweiz am Sonntag" (author Peter Sigrist; src: Aargauer Zeitung)
Well. Maybe it is not their setup but rather just a photo shooting (Deppeler with two compasses and Merz carrying all his three pens plus the laser distance meter in hand), but Deppelers plate and pens seem to be real. Having had some problems with my shoulder last winter I would not use neither of both setups shown.
Well. Maybe it is not their setup but rather just a photo shooting (Deppeler with two compasses and Merz carrying all his three pens plus the laser distance meter in hand), but Deppelers plate and pens seem to be real. Having had some problems with my shoulder last winter I would not use neither of both setups shown.
Freitag, 17. Mai 2013
AMRD: St.Thierrys Map Reading Frequence
At the beginning, I think you have to force you to have a glimpse at your compass about every 3-5 times you look at your map, meaning you don’t spend more than 20-30 seconds without looking at your compass.Thierry Gueorgiou
[Das ergibt eine Kartenkontakt-Frequenz von 4 -10 Sekunden]
Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013
Mappers Blog: Find the differences
Well. Here below, I add two figures of the same map excerpt and invite you to find the differences. If you are not finding them now, I sincerly hope you will notice them running... (for I spend a heck of a time on such stuff :-)
And here it goes to the solution.
And here it goes to the solution.
Gopferzaun nochmal! (OK Linné 1 an der Tiomila 2013)
Abb.1. Taylors Wegwahl über den Zaun.
Coming into the last TV control I got knocked a bit far down the hill and came to a fence with some tapes on. I looked at the map and saw that there was a fence that was marked with a red line some om the way along, but not all the way. I saw that I was next to a boulder, about on the edge of I was allowed to be. There had been a lot of tapes over tracks earlier in the course so I thought it would be okay to trust the map again. Which turned out to be an expensive mistake. ...Catherine Taylor's Training diary
Bei der Damenstaffel der 10Mila 2013 wurde ein (einziges) Team disqualifiziert: OK Linné 1. Deren Schlussläuferin Catherine Taylor "trampte" in ein Sperrgebiet. Der Veranstalter wollte sie vorerst klassieren, dann wurden sie doch disqualifiziert. Möglicherweise hat die Teamleitung von Paimion Rasti 1 (zurecht) interveniert. Deren Schlussläuferin Inga Dambe, die 10 Sekunden hinter Taylor unterwegs war, hatte korrekt reagiert. (Abb.2.)
Abb.2. Routen von Taylor (LIN) und Dambe (PR)
Taylor überschreitet eine Absperr-Markierung und begeht damit einen klaren Regelbruch. Der Fehler liegt in diesem Falle allein bei der Athletin.
Aus der Läuferlenkungs-Perspektive liesse sich daneben anmerken, dass die Nordwest-Ecke des Sperrgebietes mit einem Weiterziehen der Markierung Richtung Süden Abb.3. etwas klarer hätte gestaltet werden können.
Montag, 6. Mai 2013
SchweizerInnen an der Tiomila 2013
Tiomila 2013 Upplands-Bro
Fabian Hertner, Kalevan Rasti 1
Kaspar Hägler, Järla Orientering 1
Simon Hodler, IFK Moras Orientering 1
Jonas Merz, OK Tisaren 1
Matthias Niggli, OK Tisaren 1
Jonas Mathys, OK Tisaren 1
Matthias Kyburz, OK Tisaren 1
David Schneider, Vekalahden Veikot 1
Thomas Hodel, Vekalahden Veikot 1
Marc Lauenstein, Vekalahden Veikot 1
Baptiste Rollier, Kristiansand OK 1
Martin Hubmann, Kristiansand OK 1
Daniel Hubmann, Kristiansand OK 1
Philipp Sauter, Göteborg Majorna OK 1
Sven Aschwanden, Stora Tuna OK 1
David Rüedlinger, Leksands OK 1
Christian Ott, Leksands OK 1
Andreas Rüedlinger, Leksands OK 1
Florian Howald, Tampereen Pyrintö 1
Simon Brändli, Tampereen Pyrintö 1
Severin Howald, Tampereen Pyrintö 1
Christoph Meier, Järlä Orienteering 2
Alain Denzler, Järlä Orientering 2
Andreas Kyburz, Tullinge SK 1
Beat Zimmermann, Tullinge SK 1
Lukas Diener, Tullinge SK 1
Patrik Wägeli, Nyköpings OK 1
Niklaus Rey, Nyköpings OK 1
Samuel Keller, Nyköpings OK 1
Philipp von Arx, Lahden Suunnistajat-37 1
Sebastian Inderst, Eksjö SOK 1
Gion Schnyder, Täby OK 1
Florian Schneider, Lillomarka OL 2
Beat Roth Leksands OK 2
Roman Brogli, Järlä Orientering 3
Martin Lerjen, Centrum OK 2
Elena Roos, Halden SK 4
Judith Wyder, Göteborg Majorna OK 4
Simone Niggli, OK Tisaren 1
Ines Brodmann, IFK Lidingö SOK 1
Judith Wyder, Göteborg Majorna OK 1
Vroni König-Salmi, Paimoin Rasti 1
Sara Lüscher, Kalevan Rasti 1
Sarina Jenzer, IFK Lidingö 2
Elena Roos, Halden SK 2
Isabelle Feer, Kangasala SK 1
Sabine Hauswirth, Leksands OK 1
Rahel Friederich, Leksands OK 1
Brigitta Mathys, Järlä Orientering 1
Bettina Aebi, OK Tisaren 2
Marion Aebi, OK Tisaren 2
Merla Kubli, Varegg Fleridrett 1
Angela Wild, OK Rhoden 1
Anina Hirzel, Järlä Orienteering 2
Veronique Ruppenthal, Turun Suunnistajat 1
Anette Kindschi, Kristiansand OK 1
Christine Friederich, Tullinge SK 4
Ellen Reinhard, Lillomarka OL 2
Lena Ott, Leksands OK 3
Tabita Rüegg, Tullinge SK 5
Nach Vereinen
Tisaren: 7
Leksand: 7
Järlä: 6
Tullinge: 6
Kristiansand: 4
Vekalahden Veikot: 3
Tampereen Pyrintö: 3
Nyköping: 3
Kalevan Rasti: 2
Göteborg Majorna: 2
Lillomarka: 2
Stora Tuna: 1
Mora: 1
Lathi: 1
Täby: 1
Turku: 1
Varegg: 1
Rhoden: 1
Paimoin Rasti: 1
Halden: 1
Kangasala: 1
Eksjö: 1
Centrum: 1
Nicht angetreten
Julia Gross, Stora Tuna
Matthias Merz, OK Tisaren
Aufgeführt sind auch SchweizerInnen, die temporär in Schweden wohnen (Ott, Inderst, Rüegg, Lerjen).
Fabian Hertner, Kalevan Rasti 1
Kaspar Hägler, Järla Orientering 1
Simon Hodler, IFK Moras Orientering 1
Jonas Merz, OK Tisaren 1
Matthias Niggli, OK Tisaren 1
Jonas Mathys, OK Tisaren 1
Matthias Kyburz, OK Tisaren 1
David Schneider, Vekalahden Veikot 1
Thomas Hodel, Vekalahden Veikot 1
Marc Lauenstein, Vekalahden Veikot 1
Baptiste Rollier, Kristiansand OK 1
Martin Hubmann, Kristiansand OK 1
Daniel Hubmann, Kristiansand OK 1
Philipp Sauter, Göteborg Majorna OK 1
Sven Aschwanden, Stora Tuna OK 1
David Rüedlinger, Leksands OK 1
Christian Ott, Leksands OK 1
Andreas Rüedlinger, Leksands OK 1
Florian Howald, Tampereen Pyrintö 1
Simon Brändli, Tampereen Pyrintö 1
Severin Howald, Tampereen Pyrintö 1
Christoph Meier, Järlä Orienteering 2
Alain Denzler, Järlä Orientering 2
Andreas Kyburz, Tullinge SK 1
Beat Zimmermann, Tullinge SK 1
Lukas Diener, Tullinge SK 1
Patrik Wägeli, Nyköpings OK 1
Niklaus Rey, Nyköpings OK 1
Samuel Keller, Nyköpings OK 1
Philipp von Arx, Lahden Suunnistajat-37 1
Sebastian Inderst, Eksjö SOK 1
Gion Schnyder, Täby OK 1
Florian Schneider, Lillomarka OL 2
Beat Roth Leksands OK 2
Roman Brogli, Järlä Orientering 3
Martin Lerjen, Centrum OK 2
Elena Roos, Halden SK 4
Judith Wyder, Göteborg Majorna OK 4
Simone Niggli, OK Tisaren 1
Ines Brodmann, IFK Lidingö SOK 1
Judith Wyder, Göteborg Majorna OK 1
Vroni König-Salmi, Paimoin Rasti 1
Sara Lüscher, Kalevan Rasti 1
Sarina Jenzer, IFK Lidingö 2
Elena Roos, Halden SK 2
Isabelle Feer, Kangasala SK 1
Sabine Hauswirth, Leksands OK 1
Rahel Friederich, Leksands OK 1
Brigitta Mathys, Järlä Orientering 1
Bettina Aebi, OK Tisaren 2
Marion Aebi, OK Tisaren 2
Merla Kubli, Varegg Fleridrett 1
Angela Wild, OK Rhoden 1
Anina Hirzel, Järlä Orienteering 2
Veronique Ruppenthal, Turun Suunnistajat 1
Anette Kindschi, Kristiansand OK 1
Christine Friederich, Tullinge SK 4
Ellen Reinhard, Lillomarka OL 2
Lena Ott, Leksands OK 3
Tabita Rüegg, Tullinge SK 5
Nach Vereinen
Tisaren: 7
Leksand: 7
Järlä: 6
Tullinge: 6
Kristiansand: 4
Vekalahden Veikot: 3
Tampereen Pyrintö: 3
Nyköping: 3
Kalevan Rasti: 2
Göteborg Majorna: 2
Lillomarka: 2
Stora Tuna: 1
Mora: 1
Lathi: 1
Täby: 1
Turku: 1
Varegg: 1
Rhoden: 1
Paimoin Rasti: 1
Halden: 1
Kangasala: 1
Eksjö: 1
Centrum: 1
Nicht angetreten
Julia Gross, Stora Tuna
Matthias Merz, OK Tisaren
Aufgeführt sind auch SchweizerInnen, die temporär in Schweden wohnen (Ott, Inderst, Rüegg, Lerjen).
Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013
Mappers Blog: Uaul Grond Setup
1: The plate
The plate itself consist in a plexiglass sized a little bit more than A4. It is not the lightest solution but I like the hard surface to draw on. The base-map consist in a gray-scale print. On the base-map there are contours 1m as clearings both extracted from laser data. The base-map should be readable but kind of disappear when the field-notes are drawn. I always place a set of symbols on the base-map, making it easier to me to draw them the right size right away. Also a mesh I add to facilitate the import of the field-notes into the OCAD (Some more details here). The base-map is taped on the plate with simple transparent tape. As for the film I started to work with the common (Ritfilm 50micron A4) replacing the one propagated in Switzerland (adhesive). The common is six times cheaper, has no real disadvantages but some advantages: You get it everywhere, the base-map disappears better while drawing and scanning and after removing it from the base-plate, you get it in a form practical to store. The film I tape on the plate with the same common transparent tape.
2: Noise reduction
I believe the big czechs use a kind of curtain to curtail the field one actually works with on the map. I tried out two stripes of paper with transparent tape lapping over a few millimeters. That way I can relocate them on demand.
3: Old map
For this job I had a pretty good old map to work with. So I took with me. Colorprint on paper in a swedish style plastficka.Same scale as the base map (here 1:3500)
4: Daněks sophisticated pencil holder
Using Jiřís pencil holder for the first project, it got quickly obvious that this one is no prototype but the result of a longer development. It is fun to work with it and it definitively enhanced my drawing style and discipline enabling me to switch colors so easily.
5: Pencils and last nail
I am drawing with a set of 0.5mm pencils (red, green, blue, lead 2H and yellow). In addition I recently added two pencils 0.7mm to the set (purple and pink) which I use for the construction. The latter are from the Pilot Color ENO series. The colors are unobtrusive and as an !!advantage!! they fade, when exposed to light.
As what I call the last nail I also have a permanent marker with me. After erasing the drawing film it gets glossy and the pencils work only halfway, so after I am decided I use the last nail (Stabilo OH Pen universal red) to pronounce my final decision.
As for the color set I apply I don't have a permanent one, but I try to follow the thumb rule that the field notes should reach for maximum readability. Too dark or too light colors I try to minimze, so it is red I prefer for the most dominant features.
6: Rubber pen
I also added a rubber pen (Läufer Florett) to my set. In accordance with its name (rapier) I works fine for precise erasure.
7: Extra leads
Well. You don't want to end up in the middle of a forest without your main colors. I did once. That is enough. I got now a tube with replacement leads for all colors as an inherent part of my pencil holder.
:-( : Compass
Working with laser data I do not use the compass all the time. So I got it in my jacket, respectively had it in my jacket. I must have lost it in the forest. Maybe I should fix it to the pencil holder?
8: Backpack with: Food, drink & clothes
The plate itself consist in a plexiglass sized a little bit more than A4. It is not the lightest solution but I like the hard surface to draw on. The base-map consist in a gray-scale print. On the base-map there are contours 1m as clearings both extracted from laser data. The base-map should be readable but kind of disappear when the field-notes are drawn. I always place a set of symbols on the base-map, making it easier to me to draw them the right size right away. Also a mesh I add to facilitate the import of the field-notes into the OCAD (Some more details here). The base-map is taped on the plate with simple transparent tape. As for the film I started to work with the common (Ritfilm 50micron A4) replacing the one propagated in Switzerland (adhesive). The common is six times cheaper, has no real disadvantages but some advantages: You get it everywhere, the base-map disappears better while drawing and scanning and after removing it from the base-plate, you get it in a form practical to store. The film I tape on the plate with the same common transparent tape.
2: Noise reduction
I believe the big czechs use a kind of curtain to curtail the field one actually works with on the map. I tried out two stripes of paper with transparent tape lapping over a few millimeters. That way I can relocate them on demand.
3: Old map
For this job I had a pretty good old map to work with. So I took with me. Colorprint on paper in a swedish style plastficka.Same scale as the base map (here 1:3500)
4: Daněks sophisticated pencil holder
Using Jiřís pencil holder for the first project, it got quickly obvious that this one is no prototype but the result of a longer development. It is fun to work with it and it definitively enhanced my drawing style and discipline enabling me to switch colors so easily.
5: Pencils and last nail
I am drawing with a set of 0.5mm pencils (red, green, blue, lead 2H and yellow). In addition I recently added two pencils 0.7mm to the set (purple and pink) which I use for the construction. The latter are from the Pilot Color ENO series. The colors are unobtrusive and as an !!advantage!! they fade, when exposed to light.
As what I call the last nail I also have a permanent marker with me. After erasing the drawing film it gets glossy and the pencils work only halfway, so after I am decided I use the last nail (Stabilo OH Pen universal red) to pronounce my final decision.
As for the color set I apply I don't have a permanent one, but I try to follow the thumb rule that the field notes should reach for maximum readability. Too dark or too light colors I try to minimze, so it is red I prefer for the most dominant features.
6: Rubber pen
I also added a rubber pen (Läufer Florett) to my set. In accordance with its name (rapier) I works fine for precise erasure.
7: Extra leads
Well. You don't want to end up in the middle of a forest without your main colors. I did once. That is enough. I got now a tube with replacement leads for all colors as an inherent part of my pencil holder.
:-( : Compass
Working with laser data I do not use the compass all the time. So I got it in my jacket, respectively had it in my jacket. I must have lost it in the forest. Maybe I should fix it to the pencil holder?
8: Backpack with: Food, drink & clothes
Posts (Atom)
o-zeugs over and out (late wc china finding)
Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...

Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...
I wonder: How did the Chinese men and women as a team? The men The Chinese men started fast. Top 4 at the 3rd control after about...