Donnerstag, 6. September 2012

NORT 2012 - sprintlastig, teuer, defizitär, unfair, wenig Zuschauer

Es gibt dieses Jahr viel offene Kritik am Weltcup Programm und an der Nordic Orienteering Tour. Hier eine illustrierte Auswahl.

Abb.1. Anteile der Disziplinen am Gesamtweltcup 2012.
Rickard Ekman: Vad tycker du då Anders om att sex av tretton tävlingär i världscupen avgörs som sprint?
Anders Gäderud: Jag tycker att orienteringen ska tillbacks mycket mer till skogen, är min bestämde uppfattningen. Det här är en bra att profilera orienteringen att komma närmare publiken, men det far inte tur överdriftigt, vad vi är på väg att göra faktiskt.
SVT Live
My tactic was to be offensiv in the beginning and since the organisers "choose" to show the womens semifinal course on the big screen during the end of the qualification race, I (and everyone else I guess) knew almost every single control and routechoice before the start. What a mistake from the organizers...!
Tue Lassen
Abb.2. Tue Lassen am Boden.
I know I wasn't the only one having problems with the slippery surface and I don't like it when the safety of the runners are at risk just to have the perfect spot for a arena. And its not fair competition, when the conditions are that extreme, so the runners in front, fall over, and the secondary runners benefit from it...
Tue Lassen
Irgendwie konnte ich mich schon im voraus nicht richtig mit dieser Wettkampf-Form anfreunden. 8 Läuferinnen zusammen auf der gleichen Bahn ist nicht unbedingt das, was mich am OL fasziniert...
Simone Niggli
Abb.3. Die Zuschauer des Knock-Out-Sprints auf einen Blick.
But the grandeur of Holmenkollen ski arena actually served to make orienteering look like a sport that noone was interested in watching: EMPTY GRANDSTAND. So maybe a small field near some super-cool terrain could have been used instead?? I saw one dude watching the race who didn't look like an orienteer. A curious tourist. He took one photo, glanced around and then left
Helen Palmer
Abb.4. Teilnehmerkontingente am sog. Weltcup nach Nation. Big 5 (SUI, SWE, NOR, FIN, DEN) zusammengenommen
Jeg vet ikke helt hva jeg synes om Nordic Tour, et mesterskap for nasjonene med god økonomi i orientering. Ser en på påmelding er det bare 15 Nasjoner som stiller. Av disse 15 nasjoner er det 60 herrer. Av disse 60 herrer er det 18 herrer som ikke er skandinavisk (SWE, NOR, DAN, FIN).
Torben Wendler
I am not participating in the NORT, nobody from the Czech team is. We find it not worth the money.
Eva Jurenikova
Die deutschen Auswahlläufer verzichten aus finanziellen und zeitlichen Gründen auf einen Start bei der Nordic Orienteering Tour.
I en telefonsamtale har hatt med generalsekretær Bjørnar Valstad er han åpen, ærlig og tydelig på at Nordic Tour ikke er noen god geskjeft i økonomisk forstand. får vite at Norges Orienteringsforbunds andel av Nordic Tour sitt underskudd vil beløpe seg til omtrent 250.000,- kroner, bare i år.

2 Kommentare:

TB hat gesagt…

I prefer orienteering in the forrest but some of these comments from runners isn't really fair.

If Tue Lassen "knew almost every single control and routechoice before the start", then it's quite impressing that he ended up not only last in his semi final but 1 minute and 12 seconds behind the winner.
Looking at the GPS the tempo wasn't a problem for him, despite his fall in the beginning (orienteering can be slippery sometimes, we all know that).
He simply wasn't cool enough to handle the high speed orienteering despite that he apparently claims to have known the course ahead.

It's a pity the womens semifinal wasn't forked as the mens was. But Simone ended up losing almost a minute in the most challenging part up on the open hill. Hence there was obviously not 8 women together at the whole course.

We should normally listen carefully to the runners but this time it seems to be a case of "sour grapes".

M.Lerjen hat gesagt…

Still notable all that open critizism against the NORT/parts of the NORT (I did not mention Anders Nordberg in the article).

o-zeugs over and out (late wc china finding)

Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...