Montag, 12. September 2011

Beweglichkeit der Hüfte

Föreläste om rörlighetsträningen betydelse under lägret och varje deltagare fick hemuppgifter fram till det vi åkte tillbaka på VM.
Alla hade genomfört dessa övningar till punkt och pricka och deras rörlighet runt höft och bäcken var avsevärt förbättrad, och upplevde en bättre återhämtning efter sina löppass.
Lars Åke "Lalla" Dickfors (temporärer) Physio des tschechischen Nationalteams

-> Geht wohl in diese Richtung (inkl. Voodoo bei 5:56; ->Somax ist ein Rip off; 350$ per hour, minimum 30 hours ) ->Bullshit
-> Vielleicht verrät mir Lalla etwas mehr zu seinen Übungen -> Siehe Kommentare
-> Siehe Bilder von PF Sprint 2010 z.B. Tervo, Dodin oder Mathys.

1 Kommentar:

Lalla Dickfors hat gesagt…


How nice that you are interested in hip mobility.
When I met the Czech team, I was surprised that they were so stiff in the back of the thigh and front of thighs. But the worst was gluteerna.
Very poor rotation of the hip joint.
I told this to Radek Novotny 2 weeks before the World Cup, when we were at the last camp.
I said I wanted to stretch the movement during this week at all, and then provide them with home exercises as they would carry out every day until Wednesday, the day before we would go back down to Frankr
After the camp was all quite worn after exercise but also tenderness of my hard massage and stretching.
When we came down and I did an inspection of all, I noticed that they had actually done these exercises that I wanted them to do, with the result that the hip movement was significantly better.
I explained that with better mobility in the hip region so it was easier to recover from tough workouts and they are further away from any injury worries.
Exercises that I gave them was 4 simple exercises' + a program that I implemented in many individuals in Sweden, named MAQ, muscle activity quality.

If you want you can benefit from these exercises.
I have worked 20 years with mobility training and have found that my method with hard massage and stretching are very successful.
But the active movement training, not stretch, is very important to put into the training plan. About 20 minutes in each session.


Lalla Dickfors

o-zeugs over and out (late wc china finding)

Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...