Mittwoch, 8. November 2023

Swiss Team 2024

The Swiss National Team published the team selections for 2024 at the junior and senior level.
I updated the almost illegible table of selections since 1999 and here I just summarize the complete list of changes:

  • retired: Sabine Hauswirth (A), Elena Howald-Roos (A), Elena Pezzati (B), Florian Howald (A), Christoph Meier (B), Noah Zbinden (B), Jonas Soldini (B)
  • de-selected:  Siri Nyffeler (ag), Elisa Bertozzi (ag), Anja Probst (ag), Rosa Bieri (J), Leonie Benz (J), Remo Ruch (ag), Tobia Pezzati (B), Simon Hamel (ag), Matteo Bertozzi (J)
  • first time selected: Nina Probst (U25) , Sarina Grimm (J), Rachel Marxer (J), Leonie Mathis (J), Henriette Radzikowski (J), Minna Senn (J), Pascal Schmutz (J), Loïc Berger (J), Gratian Böhi (J), Matthieu Bührer (J), Lukas Gasser (J)
  • re-selected: Katja Brütsch (U25)
  • moved: Eline Gemperle (U23->B), Lilly Graber (U23->B), Siana Senn (ag->B), Hanna Wey (ag->U25), Corina Hüni (B->U25),  Annick Meister (ag->U25), Inès Berger (J->B), Nina Hubmann (J->U25), Alina Niggli (J->U25), Florian Attinger (ag->B), Fabian Aebersold (U23->B), Manuele Ren (ag->U25), Timo Tantanini (ag->U25), Florian Freuler (ag->U25), Janis Hutzli (ag->U25)


o-zeugs over and out (late wc china finding)

Yes. Let the o-zeugs blog rest in peace. I´ll take it down eventually. And yes, I stumbled over the decisions of the Ethics Panel regarding ...